Mark Tencaten — $4.5 Trillion dollar firm launches retail crypto trading option
Investment juggernaut Fidelity launched its new crypto trading account “Fidelity Crypto” for retail investors this week. The move comes at an interesting time, following industry turmoil following the failure of several major stock exchanges. However, faithfulness continues with its new platform, hoping to provide the door to the company, at a competitive price.
“Fidelity Crypto is your opportunity to buy and sell bitcoin and Ethereum on the Fidelity Investments app,” the company said through its website, adding that customers can “trade crypto for as little as $1 when they having second thoughts”. Your traditional and crypto investments.
This move, which has been working for some time, is what customers want. “A significant part of Fidelity’s clients are interested in crypto. We provide them with the tools to support their choices, so they can benefit from Fidelity’s education, research and technology. The company said. Crypto actor Mark Tencaten weighed in on the issue, saying, “I remember when big banks and companies didn’t want crypto storage. They talk about it in the news, trying to describe cryptocurrency as a black market joke. Now that technology is changing, it’s exciting to watch these companies turn to non-profits. I think they are finally starting to see the writing on the wall; crypto, Blockchain and Defi are not going away. They need to change, or they will die. “
While the initial offering offers access to Bitcoin and Ethereum markets, Fidelity said other cryptocurrencies will be explored to expand trading opportunities over time. Cost of killing. With plans to reduce that number in the future, the motivation to use the platform is there.
As the industry continues to grow, it seems that many of the top financial institutions are getting into cryptocurrency. Despite the initial scepticism from many leading banks and financial institutions, it is becoming increasingly clear that these juggernauts are trying to get into crypto.
Mark Tencaten gave other thoughts on the issue, saying, “I think it’s a threefold decision for these companies: customers want it, they need to stay relevant, and they want to invest in this business is doing well. At the end of the day, big companies make business decisions, and these things should not be taken lightly. I see cryptocurrencies becoming an important part of finance in the 21st century, and companies are finally seeing it.
Time will tell about the success of these efforts, however, with blockchain technology advancing worldwide, it is clear that decentralized finance will be the main driving force behind transactions. Worldwide for years to come.